Name Time Gender Team Leg
Pitney, Crystal 0:11:37 girl West Valley A 2nd leg
Katie Krehlik 0:12:09 girl Juneau A 4th Leg
Stearns, Katelyn 0:12:14 Girl East A 4th leg
Fischetti, Nychele 0:12:18 Girl Z ACS A 2nd Leg
Bronga, Jaime 0:12:21 Girl East A 2nd leg
Kirsten Jorgenson 0:12:21 girl Juneau A 2nd leg
Teslow, Kayla 0:12:22 girl West Valley B 2nd leg
Foldager, Denali 0:12:25 girl Seward A 2nd leg
Rorabaugh,Becca 0:12:25 girl West Valley A 4th leg
Patterson, Caitlin 0:12:30 Girl South A 4th Leg
Johnson, Hanna 0:12:34 girl Service A 2nd leg
Jordan Moser 0:12:35 Girl Juneau B 2nd leg
Roelle, Ariel 0:12:36 Girl West A 4th Leg
Fillipova, Ana 0:12:42 Girl Dimond A 2nd leg
Fitzgerald, Kate 0:12:47 girl Palmer A 2nd leg
McMahon, Julia 0:12:52 Girl West C 4th Leg
Fritz, Lauren 0:12:53 Girl Eagle River A 2nd leg
Eiben, Ky 0:12:57 girl Service B 4th Leg
Foldager, Rubye 0:12:57 girl Seward A 4th Leg
Loughlin, Julie Anne 0:12:58 Girl Grace B 2nd Leg
Renkert, Laurel 0:12:58 Girl West B 4th Leg
Flint, Lynne 0:12:58 girl West Valley B 4th leg
Abby Reed 0:13:00 Girl Kodiak C 4th Leg
Benedix, Jana 0:13:01 Girl Lathrop B 2nd Leg
Rowley, Alee 0:13:01 Girl Kenai A 4th Leg
Roberts, Josi 0:13:03 Girl West B 2nd leg
Green, Kim 0:13:06 Girl Lathrop A 2nd Leg
Gollub, Sarah 0:13:07 Girl East C 2nd leg
Hovden, Kelsey 0:13:10 Girl Dimond G 2nd leg
Mumma, Brittany 0:13:15 Girl Eagle River C 2nd leg
Schmidt, Ingrid 0:13:17 Girl Lathrop B 4th Leg
Miller, Maggie 0:13:17 Girl Z ACS A 4th Leg
Edic, Heather 0:13:22 Girl Lathrop D 2nd leg
Knapp, Christina 0:13:23 Girl East B 2nd leg
Carpenter, Sarah 0:13:24 Girl Dimond A 4th leg
Lauver, Kristi 0:13:26 Girl Dimond B 2nd leg
Brittany Lehnhart 0:13:26 girl Juneau B 4th Leg
Juback, Sara 0:13:29 Girl Eagle River B 2nd leg
Lauver, Kat 0:13:31 Girl Dimond B 4th leg
Wilson, Carolyn 0:13:33 Girl Dimond D 2nd leg
Walton, Lily 0:13:33 Girl Lathrop A 4th Leg
Glaser, Sarah 0:13:33 girl Seward B 4th Leg
Emily Reed 0:13:35 Girl Kodiak A 4th Leg
Olson, Ema 0:13:37 girl Wasilla B 2nd leg
Abbott, Rosalie 0:13:37 Girl West C 2nd leg
Kreilkamp, Clare 0:13:39 Girl East D 4th leg
Miller, Alyssa 0:13:40 girl West Valley C 4th leg
Soiseth, Nicole 0:13:41 girl Service C 4th Leg
Ivy Ivanoff 0:13:45 Girl Kodiak B 4th Leg
Davis, Samantha 0:13:46 girl West Valley C 2nd leg
Carly Craig 0:13:46 girl Juneau D 4th Leg
Anderson, Maia 0:13:47 Girl West D 4th Leg
King, Kristen 0:13:48 Girl Eagle River B 4th leg
Schmidt, Kalysta 0:13:51 Girl Z Dimond H 2nd leg
Froehlich, Kelsey 0:13:52 Girl Dimond F 2nd leg
Stanley, Madigan 0:13:52 Girl West E 2nd leg
Brianne Jonhson 0:13:54 Girl Kodiak A 2nd leg
Tsigonis, Liz 0:13:54 Girl Lathrop C 4th Leg
Ritchey, Alex 0:13:56 Girl Eagle River C 4th leg
Dover, Makenzie 0:13:57 Girl ACS B 4th Leg
Emily DeRoy 0:13:58 Girl Kodiak B 2nd leg
Brianna Gibbs 0:13:58 Girl Kodiak C 2nd leg
Jones, Anna 0:14:00 Girl Z Dimond C 2nd leg
Dennison, Chandler 0:14:01 Girl West G 4th Leg
Skvorc, Erin 0:14:04 Girl Colony A 2nd leg
Maley, Marti 0:14:06 Girl Z Chugiak I 4th leg
Rachel Tarver 0:14:08 girl Juneau C 4th Leg
Smoke, Lindy 0:14:12 Girl Z Chugiak I 3rd leg
Hamrick, Summer 0:14:13 Girl Bartlett A 2nd leg
Cailey Stevens 0:14:13 Girl Kodiak E 2nd leg
Klaar, Erika 0:14:15 Girl Homer B 2nd leg
Dent, Marcella 0:14:16 Girl East G 2nd leg
Volstad, Sally 0:14:16 Girl ACS C 4th Leg
Seneff, Julie 0:14:17 Girl Homer A 4th leg
Amaya, Adriana 0:14:19 Girl West G 2nd leg
Lasselle, Emily 0:14:20 Girl East D 2nd leg
Retterer, Gwen 0:14:24 Girl Lathrop C 2nd Leg
Carey, Rachel 0:14:25 Girl East F 4th leg
Martin, Lauralee 0:14:25 Girl South E 4th Leg
Cramer, Darcy 0:14:29 Girl Z Dimond E 2nd leg
Buckley, Danielle 0:14:30 Girl Colony B 2nd leg
Sherlock, Sheridan 0:14:31 girl Service G 4th Leg
Miner, Emily 0:14:36 girl Service D 4th Leg
Ogle, Alyson 0:14:36 Girl South C 4th Leg
Kenison, Jennifer 0:14:37 Girl Chugiak C 4th leg
Prochazka, Juno 0:14:37 girl Seward C 4th Leg
Campbell, Alex 0:14:38 girl Service E 4th Leg
Jurasek, Ana 0:14:40 Girl Dimond F 4th leg
Oldow, Kendra 0:14:41 girl Seward C 2nd leg
Suddock, Kara 0:14:42 Girl Z Dimond I 2nd leg
Applin, Katy 0:14:45 girl Palmer B 4th leg
Villard, Aimee 0:14:49 Girl ACS C 2nd Leg
Heather West 0:14:49 Girl Kodiak E 4th Leg
Knapp, Elizabeth 0:14:51 Girl East F 2nd leg
Jeffryes, Jenna 0:14:51 Girl Dimond G 4th leg
Peck, Rikki 0:14:54 Girl Grace C 2nd Leg
Lincecum, Rosanna 0:14:56 girl Palmer A 4th leg
Peterson, Holly 0:14:57 girl Wasilla C 4th leg
Paldanius, Kelly 0:14:59 Girl Chugiak D 4th leg
Yen, Emily 0:14:59 Girl East G 4th leg
Davison, Courtney 0:14:59 Girl Grace C 4th Leg
Van Nostrand, Caitlyn 0:15:01 Girl South F 4th Leg
Lovett, Heidi 0:15:05 girl Service G 2nd leg
Weber, Rachel 0:15:05 Girl Grace E 4th Leg
Illutsik, Justina 0:15:14 Girl Grace D 2nd Leg
Wilson, Rachel 0:15:15 girl Service F 4th Leg
Oates, Katie 0:15:15 girl West Valley D 4th leg
Chappel, Chrissy 0:15:19 Girl Chugiak F 4th leg
Vest, Katie 0:15:21 Girl South H 4th Leg
Kronk, Ashley 0:15:23 girl Wasilla C 2nd leg
Dougherty, Emily 0:15:27 Girl Colony D 4th leg
Tittle, Sara 0:15:28 Girl Z Dimond L 2nd leg
Homan, Chelsey 0:15:30 Girl Chugiak D 2nd leg
Gloria Roe 0:15:34 Girl Kodiak D 2nd leg
Murray, Tara 0:15:34 Girl Colony B 4th leg
Ahlstrand, Adrianne 0:15:37 Girl Bartlett B 4th Leg
Hawthorne, Caitlin 0:15:37 Girl Colony C 4th leg
Johnson, Kaitlin 0:15:37 girl Wasilla D 4th leg
Chard, Katee 0:15:38 Girl East E 4th leg
Ford, Sarah 0:15:39 Girl South G 2nd Leg
Johnston, Kristina 0:15:42 Girl Grace G 2nd Leg
Tracy Ralston 0:15:44 girl Juneau E 2nd leg
Volper, Marielle 0:15:44 girl Service H 4th Leg
Knoxson, Lorraine 0:15:44 girl West Valley E 4th leg
Wendy, Boger 0:15:45 girl West Valley E 2nd leg
Jamison, Cari 0:15:48 Girl Chugiak E 2nd leg
Smith, Kaylin 0:15:50 Girl Grace D 4th Leg
Norcross, Mariann 0:15:59 girl Seward D 2nd leg
Gentermann, Christy 0:16:01 Girl Z Chugiak H 4th leg
Barker, Ondrea 0:16:02 Girl Grace E 2nd leg
Campbell, Rianne 0:16:02 Girl South I 2nd Leg
Wilhelmi, Rin 0:16:10 Girl West E 4th Leg
Whisenhant, Stephanie 0:16:11 girl West Valley D 2nd leg
Gareny, Chelsea 0:16:11 Girl South K 4th Leg
Tyner, Heather 0:16:14 Girl South O 4th Leg
Lewis, Karlee 0:16:16 Girl ACS D 4th Leg
Bethany Donohue 0:16:18 Girl Kodiak D 4th Leg
Wasson, Samara 0:16:29 Girl Homer B 4th leg
Stage, Maureen 0:16:31 Girl West F 4th Leg
Beck, Jessica 0:16:32 Girl Chugiak G 4th leg
Friel, Alisha 0:16:32 girl Seward E 4th Leg
Maillelle, Cheryl Anne 0:16:36 Girl Grace F 4th Leg
Garney, Hilary 0:16:37 Girl South I 4th Leg
Karns, Olivia 0:16:38 Girl Lathrop E 2nd Leg
Hackenmueller, Ellen 0:16:41 Girl Chugiak G 2nd leg
Fox, Michelle 0:16:41 Girl South H 2nd Leg
Zerkel, Sarah 0:16:41 Girl Grace G 4th Leg
Gabrielle Vance 0:16:48 girl Juneau E 4th Leg
Tsigonis, Abbey 0:16:48 Girl Lathrop E 4th Leg
Toomey, Hannah 0:16:52 Girl south N 4th Leg
Moore, Luci 0:16:54 Girl Lathrop D 4th Leg
Munter, Katie 0:16:56 Girl South D 4th Leg
Brown, Jamie 0:16:57 girl Palmer C 4th leg
Andrew, Farrell 0:16:57 girl Z Service I 4th Leg
Jentzen, Brylie 0:17:02 Girl ACS D 2nd Leg
Henkleman, Lindsey 0:17:06 Girl Z Homer C 2nd leg
Black, Alexa 0:17:08 Girl South G 4th Leg
Moore, Erin 0:17:13 girl Seward D 4th Leg
Pace, Jaclyn 0:17:14 Girl Colony E 4th leg
Caitlin Thissen 0:17:28 Girl Kodiak F 4th Leg
Berlen, Courtney 0:17:30 Girl ACS F 4th Leg
Conway, Liz 0:17:34 Girl South J 4th Leg
Hedlum, Harley 0:17:44 Girl South M 4th Leg
Chelsa, Paulk 0:17:45 Girl Z Dimond K 2nd leg
Imy Dooley 0:17:50 Girl Kodiak F 2nd leg
Segua, Ivonne 0:17:50 Girl Dimond D 4th leg
Parker, Caitlin 0:18:11 Girl South L 4th Leg
Pryor, Jessica 0:18:12 Girl Bartlett C 4th Leg
Flanigan, Kim 0:18:15 Girl ACS E 4th Leg
Ammons, Jasmine 0:18:47 Girl Z East H 2nd leg
Mitchell, Brittney 0:18:49 Girl Bartlett D 2nd leg
Wells, Sydney 0:18:50 Girl South M 2nd Leg
Mitchell, Chelsey 0:19:47 Girl Bartlett D 4th Leg
Coker, Robyn 0:19:51 Girl Bartlett C 2nd leg
Williams, Ande 0:20:16 Girl West F 2nd leg
Regan, Danielle 0:21:21 Girl Bartlett E 4th Leg
Jones, Megan 0:22:14 girl Wasilla D 2nd leg
Smith, Braelene 0:23:49 Girl South O 2nd Leg
Willard, Megan 0:24:18 Girl Z East I 2nd leg
Hoch, Courtney failed to read chip Girl ACS B 2nd Leg
White, Bailey failed to read chip Girl ACS E 2nd Leg
Marchand, Sarah failed to read chip Girl ACS F 2nd Leg
Choi, Claire failed to read chip Girl Bartlett B 2nd leg
Anagick, Danielle failed to read chip Girl Bartlett E 2nd leg
Watzke, Sarah failed to read chip Girl Chugiak A 2nd leg
Seal, Amanda failed to read chip Girl Chugiak B 2nd leg
Bradley, Alice failed to read chip Girl Chugiak C 2nd leg
Wood, Rachelle failed to read chip Girl Chugiak F 2nd leg
Meaney, Chrysa failed to read chip Girl Colony C 2nd leg
Heimerl, Heidi failed to read chip Girl Colony D 2nd leg
Forstner, Katie failed to read chip Girl Colony E 2nd leg
Traxinger, Brianna failed to read chip Girl East E 2nd leg
Martinez, Sarah failed to read chip Girl Grace A 2nd Leg
Anaruk, Chrissy failed to read chip Girl Grace F 2nd Leg
Halpin, Tia failed to read chip Girl Homer A 2nd leg
Libby Parker failed to read chip girl Juneau C 2nd leg
Elisha Thibodeau failed to read chip Girl Juneau D 2nd leg
Baldwin, Lauren failed to read chip Girl Kenai A 2nd Leg
Ferry, Grace failed to read chip girl Palmer B 2nd leg
Odegard, Jessica failed to read chip girl Palmer C 2nd leg
Kennedy, Esther failed to read chip girl Service B 2nd leg
Nees, Rosika failed to read chip girl Service C 2nd leg
Haddon, Jasmine failed to read chip girl Service D 2nd leg
Ferguson, Margot failed to read chip girl Service F 2nd leg
Jernstrom, Alex failed to read chip girl Service H 2nd leg
Backlund, Tekla failed to read chip girl Seward B 2nd leg
St. Amand, Autumn failed to read chip girl Seward E 2nd leg
Wettin, Stephanie failed to read chip Girl South A 2nd Leg
Diel, Erin failed to read chip Girl South B 2nd Leg
Cabana, Kami failed to read chip Girl South C 2nd Leg
Banks, Meredith failed to read chip Girl South D 2nd Leg
Wilson, Camilla failed to read chip Girl South E 2nd Leg
Bassler, Samantha failed to read chip Girl South F 2nd Leg
Osetgaard, Yuki failed to read chip Girl South J 2nd Leg
Black, Alina failed to read chip Girl South K 2nd Leg
Clingenpeel, Adrienne failed to read chip Girl south N 2nd Leg
Gross, Jessica failed to read chip girl Wasilla A 2nd leg
Keegan, Shoshana failed to read chip Girl West A 2nd leg
Dalton, Anna failed to read chip Girl West D 2nd leg
Rix, Anna failed to read chip Girl Z Chugiak H 2nd leg
void failed to read chip Girl Z Dimond J 2nd leg
Chun, Alice failed to read chip Girl Z Dimond M 2nd leg
Mossakowski, Barbara failed to read chip Girl Z East J 2nd leg
Holowatch, Caitlin failed to read chip girl Z Service I 2nd leg
Doughtery, Rayelene failed to read chip Girl Chugiak E 4th leg
Bosch, Sarah unable to calculate girl Service E 2nd leg
Wesley, Michelle unable to calculate Girl South L 2nd Leg
Johnson, Erin unable to calculate Girl Z Chugiak I 2nd leg
Whisman, Bethany unable to calculate Girl Z Heritage A 2nd leg
Kurzendeorfer, Kim unable to calculate Girl Z Kenai B 2nd Leg
Bertrand, Kelsey unable to calculate girl Service H 3rd leg
Lewis, Danielle unable to calculate Girl Z Heritage B 3rd leg
Franks, Carolyn unable to calculate girl Z Service I 3rd leg
Crook, Andrea unable to calculate Girl Bartlett A 4th Leg
Cunningham, Kayla unable to calculate Girl Chugiak A 4th leg
Hebbe, Mariah unable to calculate Girl Chugiak B 4th leg
Doner, Johanna unable to calculate Girl Colony A 4th leg
Rink, Samantha unable to calculate Girl Eagle River A 4th leg
Chard, Ali unable to calculate Girl East B 4th leg
Graham, Mariah unable to calculate Girl East C 4th leg
Kennedy, Kendra unable to calculate girl Service A 4th Leg
Sundquist, Mykalah unable to calculate Girl South B 4th Leg
Caldwell, Suzanna unable to calculate girl Wasilla A 4th leg
Brown, Ayla unable to calculate girl Wasilla B 4th leg
Martinez, Casey unable to calculate Girl Grace A 4th Leg
Weber, Bethany unable to calculate Girl Grace B 4th Leg