** Web Order Form **

Mail To:  WindPuffin Designs, P.O. Box 1722, Homer, Alaska 99603-1722


Sea Otter and Puffin Mobiles






Mailing Address________________________________________________________________





Daytime Phone No.(______)___________________            Fax No.  (______)_______________


E-mail Address _________________________________________________________________



Date Ordered  _____________      Method of Payment (U.S. Funds)         [   ] Check   [   ] Money order


Item No.                                Description                                   Cost Each                 Quantity               Total Cost


MM301                        Sea Otter Full Mobile                               $19.95                    ______             $ _______


MM302                        Sea Otter Mini-Mobile                             $4.95                       ______            $ _______


MM401                        Puffin Full Mobile                                     $19.95                     ______            $ _______


MM402                        Puffin Mini-Mobile                                     $4.95                     ______            $ _______



All orders will be shipped via U.S. First Class or Priority Mail unless you specify other

methods below. Please add $0.75 per unit to your order to cover shipping and handling costs.

(please contact us for orders totaling more than 10 units, and for international orders)

Sub total $_______                     

Shipping & handling $_______                     

Total amount enclosed (US Funds) $_______                     


Special Shipping Instructions:  Please indicate how you would like your order shipped.  If you choose a method other than the U.S. Postal Service, shipping costs exceeding rates listed above should be included with your order.



      * Mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses will be kept private and not sold or traded to other parties.



                    (Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining information on wholesale quantities and prices)

Otter Mobiles / Shark Mobiles / Puffin Mobiles
Sea Lion Mobiles / Butterfly Mobiles / Homepage

© WindPuffin Designs 2000