Nancy Wylie Person
Parents: Bob and Ferne Minkler Wylie
January 21, 2006: Nina and I went to NYC to see Erika in 3 Gilbert & Sullivan shows last week. It was great fun and we enjoyed the shows.
has been such fun getting cards, pictures and letters from so many of you and
hearing the latest news. It was such a great reminder of how fortunate we are to
have you in our lives and it also made us wish we could sit down for a good
old-fashioned chat oftener! 2005 has been good to us! We have had fewer doctors'
appointments and more opportunities to enjoy playing together! We have had very
few "oops!" and lots of "hoopla." God is good!
Nina continues to work her way through Glendale College...finishing all of her required math classes with a huge party for all the tutors at Stepping Stones to thank them for their support and caring! She has since finished all of her requirements for graduation except for science...Oceanography awaits her in 2006! She's nervous but excited about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Meanwhile she continues her Avon business (she's not a "ding-dong" rep, she's a "call me if you need anything" rep), and she's doing okay, having fun and meeting new people! She also enjoys helping with crafts at Solheim Lutheran Home...where Grandma Ann lives. The ladies there look forward to seeing Nina each week and she loves helping. She is also our principal nursery caregiver at church. The children (and their parents) love her and one toddler calls the church "Nina" because whenever she goes to church she plays with Nina! She gets off the elevator and runs to see Nina...being a little distraught when Nina is not there! And Nina is a ringer par excellence in the Carillon Bell choir at church! Plus, she inspired her entire family to eat better and as a result we have lost about 100 pounds (collectively, not individually)! Yeah Nina!
Erika continues to live in New York City and sing at every opportunity. She has a great (but demanding) day job as a legal secretary; but the good thing is she can take time off when she needs it (like the 2 months she took off this summer to perform with the Lake George Opera in Saratoga Springs, NY). Her dad, who has yet to venture to the Big Apple, spent 10 days in upstate New York seeing her perform with LGO, meeting up with good friend Mark, and seeing the sights of the area! He had a good and restful time. It was fun having her home for Christmas (albeit briefly) and we were pleasantly surprised when she was (at the last minute) asked to sing solos at both the Christmas Eve services! It is good to have her home and it was good for her congregation to hear her again -her voice has changed a bit since she joined the Carol Choir in 1977. Erika also launched a can keep up with her musical endeavors by visiting
As mentioned previously, Jerry had a great time in upstate New York. He took in some history and visited an old car museum, and read and relaxed, too! Now, thanks to that trip and cribbage, he can pretty much direct you to a local Outback in upstate NY, Reno, NV, Mesa, AZ, and Southern CA. They should pay him to eat there...he's such a fan. J Jerry was honored at a service luncheon at JPL for his 50 years of service with a standing ovation from the crowd! He was embarrassed by the attention, but also proud of his achievement! He is still gainfully employed at 73! Wow! And, he still has time to play lots of cribbage, do his ham radio stuff, and check up on old friends often. (Truth be told, he's ready to retire...but I think he's seen my "honey-do" list and is afraid it would be too much work!)
As for me, I'm still over-extended but happy as a clam! I love working at Stepping Stones/ Integrated Learning Solutions/College Counseling Services and helping somewhat to provide true support and encouragement to children of all ages and abilities! It's amazing to hear the children and tutors as they work not only on academics but on life skills! And, I'm still enjoying ringing in all three bell choirs! How blessed I am to have this opportunity to work with some incredibly talented and loving people. As one of my friends says, "I'm not a musician, but I love hanging out with musicians! They're so much fun!" And I'm enjoying working as part of a Children's Ministry Team to develop and enhance the Children's program at Church! It's great to have an idea and share it with others who help mold it and enhance it into a reality! Janet, Susan and I spend hours together each week...and who better to spend hours with? They are terrific! Jerry's mom, at 93, is enjoying life at Solheim Lutheran Home in Eagle Rock. She's about 5 minutes away so we can get over there anytime she needs us and we do stop in two or three times a week, need it or not! She still lives in the residential area of the Home and pretty much takes care of herself. Sometimes I think I might move in with her...3 squares a day, someone to clean your room, and lots of folks to visit with and activities to participate in every day! She loves to crochet and has made dozens of hats for "her sailors" in Long Beach and has helped Solheim clip and count hundreds of thousands of Campbell soup labels to purchase 3 vans for an Indian School in Arizona! (That's a LOT of labels, folks!). We are looking forward to the changes and joys 2006 will bring! We wish for you and your families good health, good friends, and good food! We pray that at the end of each day your list of joys will outnumber your woes and that God will continue to bless you! Love and best wishes to you all,