All Tube, Handcrafted Amps, With Beautiful Solid Wood Enclosures
1. My version of a 10 watt 1 channel Class A (Single Ended) Hi Octane head, with spalted sitka spruce through dovetail cabinet and zebrawood face plate. Externally adjustable cathode bias. Has both 9 pin and 8 pin output tube sockets for running EL 84 or 6L6 type tubes!

2. A 20 watt 6V6 Class AB (push-pull) 2 channel footswitchable head, with western red cedar half-blind dovetail cabinet,
externally adjustable fixed bias, selectable tube or diode rectifier.
Channel 1 is a crunchy mello overdrive.
Channel 2 is Bogner inspired modern hi-gain .

3. A 50 watt push-pull 2 channel footswitchable head with externally adjustable fixed bias,
currently running 2 JJ E 34L power tubes and 6 JJ ECC83 S preamp tubes,
Maple half-blind dovetail cabinet.
Channel 1 is Bogner inspired modern hi-gain
Channel 2 is Soldano SLO inspired modern ultra hi-gain

4. A 100 watt push-pull 2 channel footswitchable head with an effects loop and cherry half-blind dovetail cabinet and zebrawood face plate.
The power amp section is a JCM 800 inspired EL 34 or 6L6, externally adjustable fixed bias.
The preamp is a Soldano SLO 100 , channel 1 is very clean and bright while channel 2 has more gain than I can use!

5. A 50 watt push-pull single channel head with curly cherry half blind dovetail cabinet.
The power amp section is a standard EL 34 or 6L6, externally adjustable fixed bias.
The preamp section is a high gain lead II design based on John Hynes schematic at

6. A 50 watt push-pull 2 channel footswitchable head with externally adjustable fixed bias,
effects loop, channels and master volume,
currently running 2 Winged C 6L6GC power tubes and 5 JJ ECC83 S preamp tubes,
Walnut and Maple half-blind dovetail cabinet, zebrawood face plate.

7. A 50 watt push-pull 2 channel footswitchable head with externally adjustable fixed bias,
effects loop, channels and master volume,
currently running a Sovtek 5AR4 rectifier, 2 JJ E 34L power tubes and 5 JJ ECC83 S preamp tubes, selectable tube or diode rectifier,
Walnut and Maple half-blind dovetail cabinet, zebrawood face plate.

8. A 20 watt class A push- pull amp that has some unusual features and an experimental all pentode preamp design of my own
that works great!
Preamp tubes are 5654, 6BH6, 6BH6 - Effects loop tube Decca Radar A2900 (British) - Phase inverter tube JJ ECC 83S -
Power tubes -6AQ5W's or 12AB5's
First switch on left is screen grid bypass capacitor on/off, Knobs from left to right are : 1 preamp gain,
2 triode/ultralinear/pentode operation of tube #1, 3 bass, 4 shift,
5 treble, 6 master vol., 7 effects loop gain, 8 phase inverter gain, last two switches are standby and power.

9. A pair of tube guitar amps built from recycled computer power supply enclosures,
transformers from old wall-wart cell phone chargers etc..., and 50's -60's tubes!!
The one on the left uses a 6AQ5 power tube, putting out 10 watts,
the one on the right uses a 6AK6, putting out about 2 watts,
both use 6AK5 and 6BH6 preamp tubes.
Both have a front mounted input jack, master volume on the left and a preamp gain on the right,
and rear mounted output jack, power switch, and power in.
Video of playing this amp.

10. A class A SE 10 watt combo based on theVibro Champ / Silvertone 10XL circuit. No negative feedback is used and the tone stack is footswitchable in/out, as is the tremolo. JJ EL84 power tube, 2 JJ ECC 83S preamp tubes, 8 inch Jensen speaker, mahogany 3/4" plywood and tolex cabinet.

11. My idea with this project was to put together from scratch a workable TUBE guitar amp with mostly scrap that nobody wanted anymore.
You can build a tube guitar amp into almost any package that one desires with only moderate space considerations,
albeit more than a solid state amp would need. So the sky is the limit with what you want the amp to actually look like.
This amp is incredibly easy to build, being only a single ended class A, a 12AB5 power tube and a 2 tube 6AK5 preamp.
Video of building and playing this amp.
The schematic and instructional video are also available here.

12. Class A SE 5 watt Gurkha cigar box amp, 12ax7 preamp, 6V6 power tube.

All images and text ©2024 Andrew Hanrahan