- Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information website - Anything and everything you wanted to know about GPS. Probably more than you want to know. Great source for hardware and software reviews, as well as general information.
- OziExplorer - This is the mapping program I use most often now. I'm very pleased with it.
- FNSB basemaps - Basemaps for the North Star Borough. To use these you need either a CAD/GIS package or a viewer (there are links here to freebies).
- FNSB Property Database - Online source of information on parcels in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.
- Interior Alaska Land Trust - A local non-profit working to preserve historic, natural, cultural and recreational uses of land.
- Garmin eTrex - All these tracks were made with an eTrex Legend. If you're shopping, check this one out. Both thumbs up.
- GeoData Center, GI-UAF - A local source for aerial and satellite photos, USGS topo maps, etc. on the UAF campus.
- Alaska Outdoor Rentals & Guides - A local source for bike and kayak rentals and excursions; check out the trail guide section for area maps with descriptions and photos.
- Fairbanks Cycle Club - Local maps and descriptions, by bikers for bikers.
- Ak. Skijor and Pulk Assoc. trail maps - Local maps for skijoring trails around Fairbanks.
- DNR Trails and Public Access
- DNR RS2477 Project - Information on the RS2477 issue, along with identified routes.
- GPS Trail Maps - Another source for maps (a reseller) and free downloadable GPS tracks. Aimed primarily at the snowmachine community.
- The Trail Riding Situation In Fairbanks - Another perspective on the trail situation, from a member of the horse community.