Alaska State bird is the Ptarmigan.
Alaska State flower is the "Forget-Me-Not"
Caribou are the only deer in which both sexes grow antlers.
Safety Tip: Powerful and unpredictable, bears should be treated with respect and caution.
Follow park guidelines while in the back country. Bears are seen through out Alaska, even
in city parks in Anchorage.
The moose is the largest member of the deer family.
Alaska's largest bear is the Kodiak Brown Bear.
Wrangell is the only Alaskan city to have existed under four nations and three flags. The
Stikine Tlingit Nation, the Russians, the British and the Americans.
The arctic circle is an imaginary circle around the globe where on December 21 the sun
never rises for twenty four hours and on June 21 for twenty four hours it never sets.
The Malaspina Glacier is larger in area than Rhode Island.
Mount McKinley is North Americas largest peak at 20,320 feet.
The coastline of Alaska is longer than the coast line of the entire United States.
There are six distinct natural regions that make up the state of Alaska: The Interior; The
Arctic; The Bering Sea Coast: The Alaskan Peninsula: The Aleutian Chain: South Central
Alaska: South Eastern Alaska.
Talkeetna is the jumping off point for climbing expeditions to Mount McKinley.
Flanked by the Alps-like Chugach Mountains, Valdez is often called "Little
Switzerland", where forty feet of snow has accumulated in town, in one season.
Kodiak is the second largest commercial fishing port in the United States.
The name Ketchikan is derived from the Tlingit word, Kichxaan, meaning Salmon Creek.
Star Attraction of Prince William Sound is the Columbia Glacier. One of the most
magnificent of tide water glaciers.
Beautiful Turnagain Pass along the Seward highway is a favorite winter recreation area.
Kodiak is home to the oldest permanent European settlement in Alaska.
Known as the "Emerald Isle", Kodiak is the largest island in Alaska and the
second largest in the United Sates.
The shortest distance separating North America from Asia is between Big and Little Diomede
The original Indian name for Haines was "Dtehshuh", meaning "end of the
The Turnagain Arm is known for having one of the worlds fastest tides. With a durinal
range of more than 33 feet in 10 minutes, producing a bore tide which is a wall of water
reaching up to five feet in height.
The Richardson Highway was Alaska's first road, known to gold seekers in 1898 as the
"Valdez to Eagle Trail".
Alaska is two and one half times larger that the state of Texas.