East High Cross Country Running Booster Club officers
Presidents: Alice Knapp Email:, Cliff Reagle
East High X-C Boosters Club
August 18, 2009
The East High Cross Country website ( www.eastxc.org/ <http://www.eastxc.org/> ) has a link for the Booster Club and current information on races and events. If you can’t find information there, contact Booster Club officers or the coach. Coach Danelle can be contacted at VanHolstyn_Danelle@asdk12.org, and Coach Jeremy at Hinshaw_Jeremy@asdk12.org
Gunnar Knapp is working on a spectator’s guide to the runners.
Joanna Knapp volunteered to make-up a Booster Club and runners e-mail list and will send reminders for meet volunteers, snacks, tent set-up and take-down, etc.
Coach’s Report
Head Coach Danelle VanHolstyn thanked parents for all their support and said that it is great to be back in the building at East. She announced that Nathaniel Grabman East 2003 grad. has also been hired as an official coach. He is a college grad and successful collegiate runner. Rick Wilson is also a volunteer coach – long time runner and has race organization experience.
The traditional class race was dropped this year due to scheduling conflicts. Instead, East will host a quad race on Friday, Sept. 18 at 2:30 (all boys)/3:15 (all girls). Boys go first for all races this year. Many volunteers are needed to help – Danelle has sign-up sheets. The meet will start and finish at East and run through the Russian Jack trails. Need parents to help set up course, be on course at intersections, timing, break-down course, and lead and sweep bikers.
Quite a few students and coaches were the lead bikes for the Heart Run and earned $200 for the Boosters Club. Parents also volunteered for the Big Wild Life race and the Mayor’s Marathon which earned additional funds for the booster club.
The Skyview meet will be a day trip. It is now two weeks into school and would take up Friday night and all day Saturday, and many kids by then already have homework. Also students can’t sleep at the school any more, and the team had to rent space in a church. It will be a long day – the bus leaves at 6:30 a.m., and returns around 10 p.m. Races go on all day, it’s a great place to watch races. The team will stop for dinner on the way home. It’s OK for students to go down with parents, or for parents to pick racers up after the meet.
Be prepared for any weather. When it’s cold, racers should wear solid black if they need to wear something underneath. Shorts must be black, no white or colored piping, but logos are allowed. Any socks are allowed. If they wear leggings they must be solid black.
Doug DeVries is the #1 East running fan year after year, and meet after meet – introduce yourself to him.
Treasurer’s report.
The Boosters Club has $1,713.40 as of July 1, 2009, more revenue has come in since then, and accounts are still receivable from two other races that East volunteered at.
Sports bras are available again this year. This year the Boosters had to order, pre-pay, and then sell the bras. Twenty-eight have been ordered in various sizes. Sales are on a first-come, first-served basis. Cost is $35 and they will arrive this week. Make checks to East High XC Running Booster Club.
East High XC hoodies and sweatshirts cost $30, T-shirts are $15, and running socks $10. Runners can give money for apparel to Coach Danelle. Nora Shew volunteered to coordinate apparel sales. Coach Danelle proposed giving Rick Wilson a hoodie, T-shirt, and socks in thanks for his volunteer coaching help.
New business.
Secretary. Marty Freeman volunteered to be secretary this year, and was officially elected. She will provide copies of the minutes to the officers, Coach Danelle, and to Joanna Knapp for distribution through the e-mail list. E mail her at jknapp@gci.net with your contact information so she can send you emails regarding team events.
Booster activities. Boosters provide support at races. Snacks, tent and tarp setup, and water/drink jugs and cups are important. The Gazauskas’s will do the tent, tarp, and table for all the races. Alice Knapp has sign-up sheets for all the race day tasks email her at knapp5@ak.net if you wish to bring snacks for a race or host a party.
Banquet. The end-of-year banquet date hasn’t been set yet. Usually early October in commons, after the state meet. The banquet is a potluck. Ken Kugel sends out a sign-up list for food, set-up, and clean-up.
Post-race parties.
The kids are great and like to socialize. Families often host parties after races. Parties can be simple – bring $2 and order pizzas, make spaghetti, have a progressive dinner, watch a movie, play games, etc. Alice Knapp noted that these parties are not school activities, but cautioned that the students are team members, and inappropriate activities such as drinking or driving with a provisional license can hurt the team. Only team members can attend team parties.
Another tradition is that the captains throw a surprise breakfast for the freshmen and pick them up in pajamas. Both girls’ and boys’ captains have already held surprise breakfasts this year.
Race schedule
Alice Knapp, co-pres
Cliff Reagle, co-pres
Peggy and Ken Kugel, Treasurer
Marty Freeman, Secretary
Barbara Baker
Nora Shew
Joanna Knapp
Danelle VanHolstyn
Roseanne Leiner
Gunnar Knapp
Nancy Cumberland
Dan and Jane Gazauskas
Kristi Wallace
Here’s the sign up so far for snacks….
Sat. 8/22 Bartlett Relays
Snacks- 1.Barbara Baker, 2.Nora Shew, 3.Nancy Cumberland, 4.Marty Freeman
Tent- Dan & Jane Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Alice Knapp
Sat. 8/29 Skyview
Snacks-1. Alice Knapp,2. Cami Dalton 3. 4.
Tent- Dan & Jane Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Alice Knapp
Sat. 9/5 Lynx Invitational Kincaid (11 am)
Snacks- 1.Guzauskas,2.J. Knapp,3. Kugels,4. Freemans
Tent- Guzauskas
Water Jugs-
Sat. 9/12 Palmer Invitations (Palmer)
Snacks- 1. Roseann Leiner, 2, 3, 4,
Tent- Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Roseann Leiner
Friday 9/18 East Quad Meet (East High- 2:30 PM)
Snacks- 1. Wallace 2. 3. 4.
Tent- Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Daltons
Sat. 9/26 Region IV- Kincaid (noon)
Snacks- 1. Wallace 2. J. Knapp 3. Reagles 4. Nancy Cumberland
Tent- Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Daltons
Sat. 10/3 State Meet @ Palmer
Snacks- 1. Leiner 2. 3. 4.
Tent- Guzauskas
Water Jugs- Leiner